Imagine this: we found ourselves split between two incredible events happening simultaneously in the same place – sunny Portorož!
One part of our team was soaking in the energy at Davčno finančna konferenca 2023, organized by Planet GV, while the other part was immersing themselves in Dnevih slovenskih pravnikov. The event organized by Zveza društev pravnikov Slovenije, Zveza društev za gospodarsko pravo Slovenije and Družba LEXPERA (GV Založba).
It was a valuable opportunity for us to connect with all of you. We had the chance to meet wonderful people and listen to a lineup of phenomenal speakers, delving into topics connected with our values, such as sustainability as well as optimization of processes with AI.
DSP awarded their winners and we decided to add some fun and award some winners as well – from Žejn MISTERY BOX!
These events serve as a reminder of the power of connections, shared values, and the joy of learning from one another.
Thank you to everyone who made these events memorable.
Feel free to check out photos of both squads!