This year, more than ever, digital collaboration tools and business process optimizations and automation are becoming a CRUCIAL BUSINESS function in organizations across the globe. With the annual ShakeSpeare® partner seminar we will drive you through this digital highway, from business requirements in BPMN to business concepts in business processes, good practices, and total digital automation. Our speakers will share on-hand experience from implementing business processes, automating business processes, and present you with case studies across different fields.
Due to COVID-19, this year it will be in the format of a series of webinars and interactive e-workshops, so you have no excuse not to attend!
At the end of the seminar, you will become a certified BPM/BPA expert, so please immediately reserve June 17th to June 19th, 2020 in your calendar and let us know you’re coming on or via +386 1 565 33 46.