5 attachments, 1 system

The number of farms in Slovenia has been decreasing since the country declared independence, but purchasing tractors is still a growing trend. This Slovenian particularity is a true phenomenon. There are several reasons to buy a new tractor, with the main factors probably being the use of tractors on different terrains, for various tasks and the possibility of using different attachments. But would it not make more sense to use the same tractor on all terrains, for all the different tasks and with all attachments.

A similar, if not identical, to the tractor market is the situation happening nowadays on the software market, with software enterprises use for their business processes. An average company uses three completely different systems to perform different processes, which surely – as in the case of the tractors – is not sensible. An enormous problem ensues when different systems are not integrated with one another, and the communication between these systems is difficult or impossible.

It is therefore much more sensible to decide and purchase only one software which offers different functionalities and can be used in all segments of your business. Translated into tractor language, it is better to buy one tractor, which enables us to use all the attachments and can perform tasks on many different terrains. However, software gives us the option to integrate different systems, an endeavour much more difficult to achieve with tractors. Žejn Group has been working on integrations and holistic software solutions for over twenty years. We have developed a document system, which offers an array of functionalities useful at enterprise level, from invoice liquidation to project management, from document storage to recording activities, from tracking time use to keeping a diary of activities, the list could go on.

Though our system does not provide all the functionalities of an ERP system, our company has long since have become aware that deep integrations are the correct solution and in this way we can offer our clients the complete package where there are no difficulties when moving from system to system. With this purpose in mind we accomplished an integration three years ago with Pantheon, which offers ERP for accounting services, and this year we also implemented an integration with ERP provider Pro-Bit.

Our partners’ consumers can now easily use our document system ShakeSpeare® in their ERP systems. Translated into tractor speech, a deep integration enables the tractor to use extra attachments, which renders buying a new and expensive tractor unnecessary, as just getting the attachment is much more reasonable. Integration creates added value for the user, because the document system provider is a specialist in this field and only focuses on developing the document system, therefore, in most cases, the solution is better that purchasing a document system from an ERP provider.

We believe that 2018 is the best time to consolidate your processes and decide to implement a holistic solution, which will enable your company to reap in all programming languages your enterprise uses. To bring this into reality, we invite you to join us for a coffee, and get to know ShakeSpeare® software, which enables your business to run in a decidedly more simple and efficient way.


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      Vnesite svoj e-poštni naslov, da vam lahko pošljemo seznam. Ne boste prejeli nobenih promocijskih e-poštnih sporočil.

        Vnesite svoj e-poštni naslov, da vam lahko pošljemo seznam. Ne boste prejeli nobenih promocijskih e-poštnih sporočil.


          Digitalisation of processes in the financial sector

          Enter the digital age of banking with ShakeSpeare® Software, an innovative solution designed for modern financial institutions.

          • Instant access to all information speeds up decision-making processes and improves operational efficiency.
          • By automating routine processes, ShakeSpeare® gives you more time for more complex tasks.
          • Accurate preparation of financial documents reduces the potential for errors and improves operational compliance.
          • With a centralised archive and high security standards, it allows you to easily manage your documentation and securely store sensitive financial data.
          • It gives you visibility of your work processes and tracking of activities.
          • Many banks are already successfully using ShakeSpeare® for asset management, internal process automation, compliance management and integration with external data.

          HEALTH CARE

          Digitalisation of healthcare processes

          Step into the future of the healthcare industry with ShakeSpeare® Software, an innovative solution created for modern healthcare facilities.

          • ShakeSpeare® provides a central place to store and manage clinical pathways, allowing easy access to important data.
          • The ability to model and execute clinical pathways delivers structured and efficient processes within healthcare facilities.
          • ShakeSpeare® integrates into your existing systems, including CIS/HIS, LIMS and ERP environments, enabling seamless data flow.
          • ShakeSpeare® is a platform that specialises in the needs of the healthcare sector and supports clinical pathways and registries.
          • It increases the quality of treatments (the solution monitors various configurable indicators).
          • ShakeSpeare® has been tested in various countries and is proving to be a reliable partner in the digitisation of the healthcare sector.
          • Faster distribution of documentation, identification of bottlenecks and other functionalities help you reduce administrative costs.


          ShakeSpeare® is a key solution for healthcare institutions looking to improve operational efficiency and increase the quality of care.


          Digitalisation of the law firm

          Enter a new era of legal practice with ShakeSpeare® Software, designed specifically for modern lawyers.

          • Intelligent Software for modern legal services developed in collaboration with legal professionals.
          • It gives you instant access to your documents, client data and reports.
          • By automating repetitive processes, your efficiency is increased.
          • You can prepare legal documents much faster and more accurately.
          • A centralised, user-friendly archive for easy management.
          • Security standards and integration with existing systems. Security is key when dealing with sensitive legal data.
          • Benefit from smart search and easy mobile use.
          • Choose transparency and workflow control


          ShakeSpeare® is your right hand in modern legal practice, enabling you to manage legal documents efficiently, providing you with security and bringing transparency to your legal office.


          Digitalizacija pravne pisarne

          Vstopite v novo dobo pravne prakse z ShakeSpeare® Software, izdelanim posebej za sodobne pravnike.

          • Inteligentna Programska Oprema za sodobne pravne službe je razvita ob sodelovanju s pravniških strokovnjakov.
          • Omogoča vam takojšen dostop do dokumentov, podatkov vaših stran in poročil.
          • Z avtomatizacijo ponavljajočih postopkov je vaša učinkovitost višja.
          • Omogočena vam je mnogo hitrejša in bolj natančna priprava pravnih dokumentov.
          • Centraliziran, uporabniku prijazen arhiv za enostavno upravljanje.
          • Varnostni standardi in integracija z obstoječimi sistemi. Varnost je ključna, ko obravnavate z občutljivimi pravnimi podatki.
          • Izkoristite pametno iskanje in enostavno mobilno uporabo.
          • Izberite preglednost in nadzor delovnih procesov

          ShakeSpeare® je vaša desna roka v sodobni pravni praksi, ki vam omogoča učinkovito upravljanje s pravnimi dokumenti, vam zagotavlja varnost in prinaša preglednost v vašo pravno pisarno.


          Digitalizacija procesov v zdravstvu


          Stopite v prihodnost zdravstvene industrije z inovativno rešitvijo ShakeSpeare® Software, ustvarjeno za sodobne zdravstvene ustanove.

          • ShakeSpeare® zagotavlja centralno mesto za shranjevanje in upravljanje kliničnih poti, ki omogoča enostaven dostop do pomembnih podatkov.
          • Zmožnost modeliranja in izvajanja kliničnih poti prinaša strukturirane in učinkovite procese znotraj zdravstvenih ustanov.
          • ShakeSpeare® se integrira v vaše obstoječe sisteme, vključno z CIS/HIS, LIMS in ERP okolji, kar omogoča nemoten pretok podatkov.
          • ShakeSpeare® je platforma, ki je specializirana za potrebe zdravstvenega sektorja in podpira klinične poti in registre.
          • Poveča kvaliteto zdravljenj (rešitev spremlja različne nastavljive indikatorje).
          • ShakeSpeare® je preizkušen v različih državah in se izkazuje kot zanesljiv partner v digitalizaciji zdravstvenega sektorja.
          • Hitrejša distribucija dokumentacije, identifikacija ozkih grl in druge funkcionalnosti vam pomagajo zmanjšati administrativne stroške.

          ShakeSpeare® je ključna rešitev za zdravstvene ustanove, ki si želijo izboljšati operativno učinkovitost in povečati kvaliteto zdravstvene oskrbe.


          Digitalizacija procesov v finančnem sektorju

          Vstopite v digitalno dobo bančništva z inovativno rešitvijo ShakeSpeare® Software, ustvarjeno za sodobne finančne institucije.

          • Takojšen dostop do vseh informacij pospešuje odločitvene procese in izboljšuje operativno učinkovitost.
          • Z avtomatizacijo rutinskih postopkov vam ShakeSpeare® omogoči več časa za bolj kompleksna opravila.
          • Natančna priprava finančnih dokumentov zmanjšuje možnost napak ter izboljšuje skladnost poslovanja.
          • S centraliziranim arhivom in visokimi varnostnimi standardi vam omogoča enostavno upravljanje dokumentacije in varno hranjenje občutljivih finančnih podatkov.
          • Prinaša vam preglednost nad delovnimi procesi in sledenje aktivnostim.
          • Številne banke že uspešno uporabljajo ShakeSpeare® za obvladovanje sredstev, avtomatizacijo internih procesov, upravljanje s skladnostjo in integracijo z zunanjimi podatki.

          Vas zanima več? Želite demo? Imate vprašanje?

          Pišite nam. Kontaktirali vas bomo v čim krajšem možnem času.